Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Never Ending Birthday!

What a week. So, when you have as many birthdays as I've had, you stop talking about them, but this one will not end! I guess I should be happy considering that this one is the last of a decade. Oh, my, now that made me feel old... I am starting on the end of another decade!

We started at WWW last week (you remember the Gift bag story post), then Mom and Dad and Sam and Misty came down and we all went to dinner Monday night (my actual birthday). Well, this week at WWW, Laura brought that most fantastic, deliciuos, 5-layer chocolate indulgence, individually sized cheesecakes... I hope there were enough descriptive adjectives in there for you! If you close your eyes, you can actually taste how good they were.

As I think all of the birthday hoopla is over, I find out today that I won the Grand prize drawing for the Weekly Birthday party from the radio station! Party for 8 at Grand Station - It's the new bowling place here in town. Too funny!!

This will hopefully end a week of celebrating.

On to the 4th. We are having a party at Dave's boss's house tomorrow. He is doing the BBQ, and there will be fireworks at night.

My cousin who is living in Alabama is in the state, so we will spend some time with them on Saturday for their little boy's birthday.

Hopefully I will have pictures for you next week - HAPPY 4TH!

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