Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Well, it's been quite a while since my last post, and what a better day than today to write this one.

I can't seem to sleep, maybe it's because there's rain outside and it's the first time in months the thunder work me up, or better yet, maybe it's because it's Election Day and I am thinking about my little brother.

I don't think it's a secret to anyone how truly proud I am of Sam. Growing up with a younger sibling isn't always easy, as many of you know. It's great being the "Big Sister" and then you just go through the phase that you want to kill them yourself.

And then, you really do grow up and realize you're life would be incomplete without them. I can't imagine my life without my brother. Only he can infuriate me and in the same sentence make me laugh until I cry.

Sam has always marched to the beat of his own drummer. He's the one who would go out on the limb and take a chance when everyone else would just hang out in the tree house. I often wish I had that kind of courage.

I look at the man he's become... the husband, father, brother and son, but most of all, I look at the friend he is to so many. He has a heart of gold and you just don't see that a lot anymore.

This election has been no different. In a county where the Republican Party has never prevailed, he didn't shy away, he didn't hide his beliefs... He stood up for what he believes in to represent that party in running for Justice of the Peace. I am beaming with pride.

No matter what happens at the polls today, it is a day in history for Milam county and for my family.

Today, each of you has the opportunity to exercise one of the most powerful rights known to man. You can VOTE... Your voice can be heard. Don't ever think that your 1 vote doesn't count, it does. As Sondra Andrews always says, "Freedom is not Free." She is right, so I encourage each one of you to go out and exercise the right that Darryn fought so hard to defend. And when you've done your part, encourage someone else to do the same.

May God continue to bless each of you, and God Bless America.

Best of Luck Sam.... I love you!
