Monday, October 6, 2008

Long Time, No Post

So, it has been a while. Not much has happened. A couple of football games, not worth rahashing. Dave pulled something and he's been hurting since the middle of September. We made our semi-annual trip to the ER last Thursday. The doctor from urgent care had told him if it wasn't better in 2 weeks to go to the ER and have them run a scan in case it was kidney stones... Lovely! So, how bad can ER be in the middle of a Thursday afternoon??? Well after nearly 5 hours, you tell me.

We got back to a room in record time, but then it took FOREVER (or so it seemed). Everything came back clear, so the doctor concluded what we thought, pulled groin muscle. He rested all weekend, and went back to work today.

I am hoping he gets well soon, I am tired of the mood swings and everything wrong conveniently being my fault. Okay, enough for tonight, I'd better stop while I am ahead.

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