Monday, November 10, 2008

Football, Falling Leaves and Radiology- What a Combination

Wow, I could only hope many of you didn't watch that football game on Saturday. It was so incredibly sad. They tried, you must give them credit for that. But, it was sooooo ugly. The offense just coudn't catch a break, or the ball for that matter.

I have some pictures, I'll try to get them posted once I decide to download them from the camera. It's not hard to do, I just don't do it as often as I should.

Yesterday was relaxing - right up until the moment that I really thought I needed to go bag the leaves in the yard. HOW MANY LEAVES CAN ONE YARD HAVE? I have 9 33-gallon bags of leaves and it doesn't look as if I touched anything. I didn't even get to the front yard, that was just a tiny (and I do mean tiny) section of the backyard. I have been trying to figure out how to make all the leaves just disappear. If the street sweeper guy would come by, that would help with my curb issue. But I think he only makes it around twice a year. Now that is putting my tax dollars to good use.

I was thinking Dave could get on the riding mower and mow right over the leaves, then the mulching blades would "eat them up" and I wouldn't notice the leaves. I say Dave needs to mow because I am not allowed on the riding mower. Could it be because I told him that before we were married, I'd go through a mower a season??? I don't know - mowers just dont like me. But, you must admit, it was a smart thing to tell him.

I did get to use the new weed eater last time - only because Dave had that groin pull (post below) and he could "ride" the mower, but not hold the weed eater. As a reward for a good job, he tried to kill me, yes, if I turn up dead, look at the husband first. (mom always jokes about that) While he was cruising on the mower, he rounded a corner and shot a rock out from the blade thingy and it nailed me right in the upper shoulder. I thought I'd been shot. It took the breath right out of me. I did cry - because it did hurt, BAD.... It was bruised for about 2 weeks. Needless to say, I will NOT weed eat anymore while he is mowing. Better yet, I will not weed eat.... I will stick to raking and weeding the flower beds, no flying objects there.

About that groin pull - Yes, I MADE him go to the ER - Why? Because the urgent care doctor said that if it wasn't better in 2 weeks, go to the ER to have a CT scan done to make sure there was no kidney stone... Because we know that can be fun.... Well, there was stone, but a tiny one, not doing any damage. The diagnosis - after 5 hours in ER - A groin pull... All of you with a husband know how happy Dave was to hear he already knew what was wrong with him.

So, the next week, Dave gets a call from our family doctor. Seems ER sent all the stuff to them. Well, according to the radiologist, there is an untidentifyable cyst on the left kidney. Now tell me why were they looking at the left side? We went in for the right... Well, doctor says we really need an ultrasound to make sure it's nothing. For those of you who know me, this was not good - I must think the worst until someone tells my it's all okay. I was worried sick for the 4 days it took to schedule this appointment. So we go on a Wednesday.... Dave gets a call on Friday..... Now we have 2 leisions on the left kidney.... Still can't identify what they are, please make another appointment with the radiology place to have a CT scan with that dye stuff so they can get to the bottom of this. URGHHHHH

By now, we don't worry, we're mad, because each time we walk into the Radiology place, it is a $50 co-pay. Well, got the call last week - I just don't get it. Seems the one spot on the left, that turned into two spots, is now nothing to worry about - We have one cyst on the left, one cyst on the right and a kidney stone. Now... I don't get how one spot on one kidney turned into one on each and a stone.... All I know is that the doctor told Dave when he's ready to pass it, call them and they'll give him some pain medication. Isn't that something to look forward to in the future?????

I've rambled enough. Look for pictures one day soon.

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