Monday, September 20, 2010

Tomorrow will be one year...

Wow, it's been a year since that 5:45 am phone call about Dad. I been thininkg alot about it lately. I am sure it's because of the "anniversay" date, but that's just me. Some things you never forget, as much as you'd like to try, you just don't. I remember everything about it. The call, the weather, the trip to Temple, the waiting and then more waiting.

I know Dad is better and he's as active as he's always been, but it doesn't make that scared feeling ever go away. I've tried to get over it, but it's not my nature. I still don't sleep well, afraid the phone may ring and I won't hear it. Or maybe it's just the general fear of any phone call in the middle of the night.

Something happenened this weekend that made me stop and think about how precious life is. The West-Orange Stark 17-yr old quarterback who collapsed and died after throwing a touchdown pass Friday night, I can't imagine the loss that town must feel. I think about how he had this awesome, defining moment, and then, in an instant, it was his time to go.

You just never know. And as unfair as it may seem, and as much as we don't want to hear it, you always hear, "God has a plan." He does, I know, but I am a planner and I don't like not knowing where I may fit into this overall, master plan.

Presley called me Saturday morning (without her mom knowing) and asked if she could come spend the night. Well, of course I said yes, not knowing that her mom was unaware of her plans. I started thinking when we left them on Sunday that one day, I will just be the "old fogey aunt" that they go see to get birthday and Christmas presents. I am hoping that won't be the case, and I am in no way saying I ever felt that way about my aunts and uncles, but come some point, we all thought, "really mom, do we have to go with you?"

I've decided to embrace every moment with family and friends. We just never know what that master plan may be, but if we live every day to it's fullest potential, we will leave this world with no regrets.

I am so lucky to still have my Dad, I honestly can't tell you how scary those few days were. Some of you have been in those shoes, and for those of you who haven't, my wish is that you never have to find out what it's like. The one thing I know is that at that moment when you aren't quite sure what your next move will be, your friends are at your side, lifting you up and taking care of those things in your life that all of a sudden are totally insignificant.

I thank God each and every day for the support system I've found in my extended family and friends. I don't know what I would do without you!


susan hajovsky said...

Hey Shelly-

I love reading your are such a good writer! I'm so glad your dad is ok...we went through that with Dad a few years ago too. Luckily he didn't have a heart attack but they told us if he had, it was in a place that would have killed him. Made my blood run cold and I'm just thankful that the blockage was found before it burst the artery. I look at my dad every time I see him and think about what could have happened. Scary.
Here is to our daddies and may they live forever!!!! ( moms too!)

Brenda said...

Hey girl
I know that you must have been scared because you are so close to your family and that is very special keep that family bond.Keep the gifts and love coming and you will never be a old fogey aunt, we can't get old with these nieces and nephews we have to keep them happy.