Sunday, June 1, 2008

Kids, Kids and More Kids

So, it's Memorial Day weekend and we've got kids galore! I took Kenadi and Presley to the High School Musical on Ice Tour at Reed Arena while Dave and Trenton shopped around town.

The girls and I met Becky and Jordan at the arena and everyone had a great time. I made the girls shirts to wear! If I must say so, they were pretty cute!
Here are some pictures from the show

Once we returned home, the girls and I took Trenton to the neighbor's house and went swimming! LeeAnn and Bubba have a great pool, and the kids had an absolute blast.
We had a great weekend. Dave lit up the pit on Sunday and his family come over for a BBQ. It was nice to have everyone over for the day. Mom and Dad stayed too, so it really was a "Family Affair!"

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